Friday, May 8, 2015

Challenger Center Kenai

Here are some pix of my temporary workplace, the Challenger Center in Kenai.  For those familiar with the Challenger Center at the MSIC in Richmond, you will notice the huge size of the spacecraft relative to ours.

Different Kind of Glovebox

Life Support is very similar

Lots of room!

Different probe setup

I think we have more room in our MSIC Mission Control

Briefing Area. I wish ours were like this!!

The labyrinth has "porthole" TV monitors and is where the launch takes place

Foyer area with shuttle simulator

Receptionist Desk

Gift Shop. We need this too!

Shuttle Simulator.  I don't know if it works.

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Looking out the back (front) doors

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Morning Off!

Today I didn't need to be either at the Challenger Center or the Physical Therapist!  Dare I say WOOT!!  Anyway I bought gas for the "My other car is a bicycle" beast, and also visited my new favorite spot, "The Moose is Loose" in Soldotna.  Best donuts around, at least in the "Upper 1".

Observation of the day:  When oncoming cars make a left turn across your path, they tend to pull into your lane, using it as a surrogate left-turn lane for some distance before they finally complete the turn.  I haven't figured this one out yet.  Definite pucker factor involved.
Where I want to Be

Kenai Flats at Low Tide.  Lots of people along the banks.  Clamming?

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Becoming a Pretzel

Today I had a second session of PT for my leg / back pain which has been the focus of my existence since my flight out.  The back pain was there for a couple weeks before I left, but the leg pain started during the third leg of my flight, when the spacing of the seats was about an inch less than the length of my femur.  Yesterday the first session was more diagnostic, but today I had the whole works, with the outcome that it is probably a nerve pinch exacerbated by the airline seat.  I felt much less tension after the session, but am still very reluctant to place weight on my left leg.

On my way to Soldotna for the PT session, I stopped at a nifty overlook on the causeway across the mouth of the Kenai River, and made a panorama pic showing how the town of Kenai sits on the bluffs overlooking the flats. I would love to explore the geology more, but that would of course require the use of my legs.
Panorama of Kenai River flats.  Kenai is on top of the bluffs at right.

First time I Saw Airplanes at a Used Car Lot

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Yes, We Work on Sunday Too

Home sweet Home
Today I woke up early after another painful night.  My hip usually feels well in the evening but around 2 or 3 a.m. I wake up to sharp pains from my hip.  Kind of hard to say which part of it.   Anyway I gave up trying to get back to sleep at around 7 and headed out hoping to get some good pix.  I am staying in the upstairs part of this building, hosted by a very generous backer of the local Challenger Center, Tim Navarre.

My destination today was a Sports Expo in the nearby town of Soldotna, just across the Kenai River.  I got a few other pix along the way, unfortunately I was not in a good place to pull off when I spotted a group of 4 moose grazing along the road.
My Noble Steed

I worked the booth all day, then headed back to Kenai.  I work tomorrow afternoon, hopefully with a working spine and hip.
A small local church showing Russian influence of the area

Mt Redoubt, a local active volcano across the inlet.

Tidal flats of the Kenai River

Kenai River in Soldotna.

There is still ice clinging to the banks of the river in Soldotna.

A delightful breakfast at the Caribou Family Restaurant
Representing the Challenger Center at a local Sport Trade Show in Soldotna.

My First Reindeer Sausage.  Don't think it was Rudolph.  Tasted more like Donder or Blitzen.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

A nice Saturday Morning

I had a lot of pain in my hip again that prevented me from sleeping well, but this morning I felt somewhat better.  I drove up to the Walmart and bought a back support belt which I am hoping will help keep the gains I have made.  I also drove to a nice park that overlooks the Kenai River, and visibility was good enough to make out the snow-capped peaks further south on the Kenai Peninsula. On the last pic, you can see how Kenai sits on a bluff above the river.

I work this afternoon, so I hope my back holds up.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Heading to Kenai

For most of the month of May, I will be helping run missions at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska.  I will be helping them through a very busy time in their schedule, as well as learning how to expand our own operations at the MathScience Innovation Center.  I will try to post lots of pictures here.

I left Richmond early on Tuesday, April 28th.  I was suffering from a severely strained back, courtesy of schlepping around some heavy instructional kits the week before.  I ended up asking for assistance (spelled "wheelchair") in order to get to my connections.  This was quite humbling for someone used to hiking Old Rag Mountain in 3 hours round trip, but you gotta do what you gotta do.  On the longest leg of the flight, from Minneapolis to Anchorage, the distance from the seat in front to my backrest was about one inch shorter than my leg, meaning I had do sit scrunched.  I am now trying to recover from a severe pain in my hip as well as from my back strain, so needless to say, I am not a very happy camper right now.